Photo opportunities are everywhere for us STPs, all you have to do is keep an eye to the various media available to us so we don't miss an event. I keep a list in my notebook to remind me what I am looking for. Here's a taste:
1. Antique Fair
2. Art Shows
3. Award Ceremonies
3. Barbecue
4. Boat Regatta
5. Camping
6. Carnival
7. Ceremonial Dance
8. Concerts, outdoors
9. Confirmations
10. Contests
11. Costume Displays
12. Crowds
13. Dog Shows
14. Exhibits
15. Fair
16. Farm Life
17. Fashion Shows
18. Flower Shows
19. Folk Festivals
20. Harvest Festivals
21. Horse Farms
22. Horse Races
23. Horse Shows
24. Indian Celebrations
25. Motorcycle Races
26. Motorcycle Shows
27. Parades
28. People at Work
29. Pet Shops
30. Picnics
31. Playgrounds
32. Rodeo
33. School Events
34. Sports Car Races
35. Square Dances
Of course, I probably left some out. Let me know in the comments about your favorite not on the list.